5 viral AI apps that do weird things to your photos

…and they will probably get weirder with time.

Billy Mosse
2 min readDec 1, 2019

These last couple of years were kind of a boom for image recognition tools. Especially the ones that use GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks, an incredible idea) to achieve their goals.

Here are the new toys we can play with (can you imagine the level of madness of the tools that weren’t released to the public?):

  • FaceApp

Who hasn’t played with this Russian app? It lets you change your age, hairstyle — even modify your gender, something that caught quite a lot of attention of the transgender community. It’s available both on Android and iOS. The non-premium version is good enough to play with. Try it out! (I don’t get money for this, I swear.)

Who doesn’t like making fun of people in positions of power? Source: techcrunch.com
  • Prisma

This app is like a super Instagram filter: it lets you convert your photographs into works of art. Available both on Android and iOS.

Artists will surely have to learn how to code if they want to keep up to date, right? Source: infinitetechinfo.com
  • DeepNude

It did exactly what you think it did: convert clothed photographs into nude ones. And I’m happy to say it got closed down — the amount of misuses that could have happened is enormous. I’m not including an example picture this time — I want to keep this post unerotic and I honestly condemn the app intended use. Also, the only available input was women tells you something a little sad about society, don’t you think?

  • Zao

This Chinese app has raised several security concerns (which didn’t?). During the first days of its release, the photos you uploaded could be used by the company ‘in perpetuity’, a clause that was posteriorly removed.

If you think you can trust them now, and really want to check how you would look in your favorite movie, then get the app! Available both on PCs (remember PCs?) and iOS (but only in Chinese, it seems).

Oh, did I mention that what you get is a video? Here’s Titanic. Source: @PaperX
  • FaceSwap

This is one of the old ones. As its name suggests, this app lets you swap your face with another person. It’s no longer supported, but you can still get it on Android and iOS.

Disturbingly cute. Source: elitereaders.com

Soon, I will post an article about the technical ideas behind these apps. Keep updated!

What other dangerous and hilarious apps will the future bring us? I can’t wait to see.

This is getting ridiculous. Source: Nvidia



Billy Mosse

Mathematician. Data Scientist at fromAtoB. Machine Learning freelancer. Expat. I like bots.